Our Blog

The Wood pile

The Wood pile

When we moved here in 2018, the previous owner had left a massive pile of wood in the wood shed. We have a wood burning stove in the studio which is in the basement of the house but were too nervous when we moved in to fire it up, which seems kind of funny now.. But...

Life After Lockdown

Life After Lockdown

Well, we made the move and started living the good life! Sure there are bears to get used to, which was terrifying at first and no street lights, but we’ve adapted. The bears are something that everyone will tell you about with ominous tones and then finish their...

The Grass Is Greener

The Grass Is Greener

Are you sitting at work or in your home office right now thinking, “I wish I could see more trees and breathe fresh air with space instead of living like an animal in a cage!” Well that's how I felt… often. I would say to Lin "I love our home, but I can't look at the...

Meet the Team

Lin: Audio Director

Carol: Bookings Manager

Ollie: Security & Greeter

Gus: Security & Greeter in training